Prebiotic - Bioecolians® by Solabia Algatech Nutrition


Bioecolians® - Patented Prebiotic for Gut Health Webinar

Bioecolians® from our partner, Solabia Algatech Nutrition, is the next breakthrough in gut health. View our webinar presented by the team at Solabia Algatech Nutrition for more information on this innovative, proven ingredient.


Bioecolians® Product Data Sheet

Solabia Algatech Nutrition presents a product data sheet for Bioecolians® highlighting the benefits of the ingredient for gut health formulations as well as Solabia Algatech Nutrition’s focus on low microbial/heavy metal counts and long shelf life standards.

Bioecolians® Comparison Sheet

Bioecolians® is a revelation in the oligosaccharides market. It eliminates many of the common drawbacks found in other materials while adding new benefits not observed in the competition. With synergistic capabilities as well as very low dosage requirements, Bioecolians® sets a new bar in the gut health market.