The Once-in-a-Generation Natural Ingredient You Have to See to Believe
Truly new and innovative ingredients don’t come around often. ReDaxinTM is that completely new and unique ingredient: a one-in-a-million (actually two million) natural anomaly in an ancient plant that fills it with potent, rare phytochemicals. An anomaly so dramatic that green leaves turn deep red from a bioactive transformation you must see to believe. ReDaxinTM is a polyphenol complex, including natural quercetin and luteolin, that also contains 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, which are extremely scarce in nature but have very powerful bioactive benefits. Check it out!
ReDaxinTM is the only power-packed extract from the leaves of the proprietary RedNaturalTM sorghum. Its discovery began when a leading researcher from the University of Kentucky noticed that one of his sorghum plants was completely red. Upon further research, it was discovered that the red parts of the leaf were packed with phytochemical compounds rarely found in nature (3-deoxyanthocyanidins). Realizing this was a revolutionary breakthrough, researchers began an intensive 10-year research program using non-GMO hybridization to create the patented RedNaturalTM sorghum plant.
How does ReDaxinTM achieve so many benefits?
In short, the 3-Deoxyanthocyanidins. These are very rare types of anthocyanidins and are what provide the deep rich red color attributed to this amazing discovery. 3-deoxyanthocyanidins have been demonstrated to have stronger photoprotective effect in the treatment of ocular conditions and stronger cytotoxic effect against mutant cells than their anthocyanidin analogues.[i] Here are the basics:[ii]
Reduction of Oxidative Stress (free radical damage): a major underlying risk factor leading to damaged cells and chronic health decline. Helps with the protection, repair, and recovery of each cell in the body.
Reduction of Inflammation: Inflammation is connected most of the health conditions associated with aging, such as cardiovascular issues, dermatological, gut and microbiome issues, immune abnormalities, eyes, structural (joint), cognition, protection of the brain, reduced physical performance, decreased muscle strength and muscle mass, and so much more.
Immunomodulation: the immune system has both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Activating immune cells helps protect the body and guiding them towards the anti-inflammatory, “heal and repair” response helps bring the body back to its healthy state.
Feel Good while you are feeling good! Who doesn’t like a “feel-good” story? With the ever-growing desire to provide sustainability and a feel-good story behind health products, ReDaxinTM shines. Here’s how:
Supporting the Local Farmer: It is well documented that independent farmers are dwindling rapidly. ReDaxinTM is exclusively grown by close relationships with hard-working local US farmers.
Sustainability: Utilizing a drought resistant crop and agronomics that preserve soil integrity; the proprietary RedNaturalTM sorghum behind ReDaxinTM protects US farmers’ land from erosion while also providing a means of capturing carbon
Clean: ReDaxinTM does not contain any carriers or additives and is extracted using a clean-label, aqueous process without any harsh solvents or chemicals
Supply Chain: The supply chain from seed to finished ingredient is fully controlled by RedLeaf® Biologics and is entirely based in the USA.
Certified: ReDaxinTM is Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher, Halal, Vegan, Self-Affirmed GRAS, and produced in SQF Level 2 facility
Go Ahead, Get Creative with ReDaxinTM
The cliché outside the box may be overused, but with ReDaxinTM you can get as creative as you want when formulating. Why? ReDaxinTM can be used in tablets, capsules, drink mixes (water soluble), gummies, gels, and films to name a few. It has a mild, pleasant flavor and aroma without any masking agents and a beautiful dark maroon/red color. Play with it and see. Your best product awaits.
[i] Yun Xiong, Pangzhen Zhang, Robyn Dorothy Warner, Zhongxiang Fang, In vitro and cellular antioxidant activities of 3-deoxyanthocyanidin colourants, Food Bioscience, Volume 42, 2021,101171, ISSN 2212-4292,
[ii] Yun Xiong, Pangzhen Zhang, Robyn Dorothy Warner, Zhongxiang Fang, In vitro and cellular antioxidant activities of 3-deoxyanthocyanidin colourants, Food Bioscience, Volume 42, 2021,101171, ISSN 2212-4292,